It’s arrived… It’s ARRIVED!


First day back in the office after the holidays and look what was waiting for us!

OUYA console

We’re really looking forward to developing for the OUYA and we have lots of exciting ideas lined up!

Leeds TIGA GameDev Night


We were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to present our latest game project, Master of the Seven Teas, at the TIGA event in Leeds last night.

Unfortunately, the TV didn’t have a HDMI port, disaster! So Helen and Ralph went on a quest across Leeds to try and find a shop that stocked component cables.

They finally found a place that was open and rushed back only to find that it didn’t work either!

Thankfully, Mark is a quick thinker and gave a fantastic presentation, which was really well received and we got the game running on the laptop afterwards. People seemed to love playing it and we got lots of great feedback and suggestions.

One person even misheard the title and thought the game was called “Master of the Seventies” which gave us a great idea for a game add on!


University of Bradford, March 2012


The University of Bradford, Mark’s alma mater, invited him to speak to some of the undergraduates about the video games industry and in particular, being an indie in this ever evolving sector.

A primary point of discussion for many of the students approaching graduation was related to setting up a studio and with this still being with Gaslight Games’ first year, this is something that is fresh in our minds!  The students were, of course, interested in breaking into the industry and using our own experience, as well as the experience of  friends and peers dotted around the industry, we were able to answer most of their questions.

We got some great feedback from both students and staff and are looking forward to seeing what the students produce within their studies.


Platform Expo, 2012


Shortly after returning from GDC, we were invited to speak at Hull University for the Platform Expo.  Discussing the topic of “Gaming Beyond Controllers”, attendees were introduced to many of the latest ideas in controller free gaming as well as exotic uses for motion controllers, that many are also familiar with.

Our gaming concept, Battlemages, was presented alongside some of the latest gaming creations that also use “non-standard” gaming interfaces.  Titles like “Johan Sebastian Joust” (with Playstation Move controllers) and “Renga” (with it’s 100 laser pointers and a Cinema screen) helped to demonstrate that more designers are looking for unique and innovative ways in which to engage their audience.

After the brief session, Mark was invited to speak on a panel alongside some of the veterans of the industry, including Stewart Gilray from Just Add Water and Bruce Grove from OnLive.  Many questions and thoughts were fired at and from the panel, with differing opinions on breaking into the industry (and via QA), thoughts on new platforms and more!
